Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Flu.

I always feel bad calling into work when I'm not really sick, just not bad enough to not do it. These past two days were perfect, i really feel like i need them. especially since i absolutely hate my job! my last day should have been at the end of this week, but my boss decided she should screw me over and make me stay til the end of the year in order to get my bonus. And I might talk slow but I'm not stupid so of course i agreed i just like to bitch about it obviously. anyway! i feel like I'm living the life of a hobo cause i didn't shower today. (don't judge me

So Christmas is coming up and this is the only one that i really cant wait for to be over, cause that will mean that i am in my new house!! ahh i can not wait! all my life, and I'm talking even when i was growing up with my mom, i have always lived in an apartment. its gonna be really weird having my own driveway and backyard. Being able to bang on the wall and no one getting pissed that you're being loud. I seriously cant wait. another reason i cant wait til Christmas is over, I'm broke this year and i didn't buy anyone jack! not even my mother!

Ive decided that a good chunk of my own family are complete idiots. lets start with my cousin Misty, she and I used to be really close when we were younger. always going to camping trips with our grandfather then all of a sudden we stopped. now a days she all "I'm so much better then everyone because i married a rich man" little does she know, he's actually cheating on her with three woman from the same town, one of them being her coworker. and if she does know well she's still a dumb ass.
my cousin Nando...well he Mister Awesome because he went to a University. oh wait did i mention he is 27 years old and is still living with him momma and has no job! his degree is just a freaking piece of paper when he doesn't do anything with it....and the boy tells me that I need to take responsibility for myself! ha ha what a ass! I'm sure all of this is gonna come back and kick me in the ass, but i was brought up to say what i that's what I'm doing!


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