Monday, May 16, 2011

hell yea i'll have seconds!

want to know what i find comical? the fact that i kick my ass when i feel myself gaining weight. why the heck should i be getting mad at myself if I'm the one making the decision to eat it...
then that made me think even more. why do we kick ourselves when we eat fatty foods? who in the hell told us to stay a curtain weight. I know this question has been asked plenty of times. its just I'm finally letting it all sink in. and I'm finally yelling FUCK BEING SKINNY!!" with my fat middle finger in the air! lets cut the shit about how losing weight will help us live a longer life. my grandmother eats tortillas and gravy and fried everything and she is as healthy as a horse.

Now I'm mot saying we should eat tubs of lard and bathe in grease. I'm simply saying we should love how God made us. i have been trying to lose weight for maybe two years now and i continue to gain it back. I'm definitely taking that as a sign.

the other day my mother was talking to me about how she thought i should start thinking seriously about losing some weight. (because apparently the other times i was just joking around about losing it....) anyway she wants to send me off to this camp in the area that will help me lose it. the thing is what exactly will they do for me that i cant already do myself? or that i haven't already tried?? the fact of the matter is: i love being me. big or small. my spirit is what will live on anyhow.

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