Friday, December 3, 2010

Pepperoni and Pineapple

Pizza is pretty awesome no matter when you have it. breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight, even at four in the morning it kicks ass! or so i thought until I went to a Gattis (a pizza place in town) with my friend Tierney Weaver. first a little history lesson... I have this thing about men. Ive noticed that I'll want a guy so bad it hurts that i cant have him. Then when i finally 'get him', (as in 'get him' i mean to like me back or i get him in bed, which ever.) anyway so this one guy Justin, is a prime example. He moved into my apartment complex in late July but i didn't meet him until mid-August. anyway so pretty much right away i started liking him. and i kinda made it obvious, when i said kinda i mean i hardcore let him know.  i told him straight up i was into him but he said that the age difference was too much and that because of the age difference we wouldn't have the same interest. so...naturally that made me want him even more! so fast forward a couple of months, and he comes over and somehow we end up making out, so my interest in him fell. then we have sex and he's all 'we need to go out and do stuff' or like 'i like that i met someone like you' i honestly cant remember what he said. so at this point i lose interest. I move out of the complex and i don't say bye, nothing. this was a few weeks ago.

soo.. i told you that to tell you this: (i know! i have no idea why you are still reading)

like i said before i went to lunch with Tierney and guess who walks through the door. yep! Justin hahaha So I'm like 'crap! how do i hid?' but when i see him i freak out because it was awkward last time we spoke. he would ask me to go out with him a few time and i always declined. and i could tell he was getting upset at the fact that i wasn't interested anymore. and at this point I'm still not interested in him at all. so i keep my distance. then later i notice he is with this random girl i have never seen before. but i can tell that she is the girl that he use to say reminded him of me. they seem flirty and kinda 'together' you know? but i also keep catching him staring at me. but then it feels like I'm staring at him to see if he is staring at me, and its just this huge ass awkward lunch hour and I'm ready to run. then all of a sudden this jealousy feeling falls all over me! like i jealous of this chick he is out with but i don't even know if they are together i just feel it.

i want him so bad now! like i want to drive to his house and just kiss him or something. but i know for a fact that the second after I'm going to lose all interests hahah
so i think its best to just leave him alone, especially since i am living town in a few weeks!

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